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Air Compressor

Used Air Compressors

We offer quality used air compressors imported from Japan ranging from 50 CFM to 750 CFM. We have trusted brands like Denyo, Airman and Komatsu. Customer can have the option to purchase the machine "as it is" condition, partially refurbished or fully refurbished. Kindly send us an enquiry to request for the available stock list. Below are some of the used air compressors that we deal with:


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DIS 90 SB DIS 130 SB  






PDS 90 S (5B)

IMG 0292

PDS 90 SC (Dry Air, 5B Type)

 e Screen Shot 2016-09-14 at 9.50.13 pm   
PDS 175 S (5B type) PDS 175 SC (Dry air, 5B type)  


PDS 390 S


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PDS 655 S (405 model)


PDS 655 S (4B Type)


PDS 655 SD (4B Type, Dry Air) 


PDSF 750 S, High pressure type


PDSG 750 S, High pressure type

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OH Machine Co.,Ltd


古物営業法に基づく: 神奈川県公安委員会 第451310004973号 




Tel/whatsapp: +81-(0)80-9583-9007

Address:231-0021 神奈川県横浜市中区日本大通7日本大通7ビル4F